Nine birders had a productive early spring morning at Boxerwood. While the sky was overcast, the birds were in full song. Along with the year round residents and a few continuing winter visitors, the group enjoyed watching a First of Season Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher interacting with an annoyed Ruby-Crowned Kinglet. Complete list follows.
Boxerwood Nature Center & Woodland Garden, Rockbridge, Virginia, US
Apr 2, 2016 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
Protocol: Traveling
0.8 mile(s)
Comments: Overcast
29 species
Canada Goose 2
Turkey Vulture 1
Mourning Dove 4
Red-bellied Woodpecker 2
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 1
Downy Woodpecker 1
Northern Flicker 2
Eastern Phoebe 4
Blue Jay 3
American Crow 5
Tree Swallow 5
Carolina Chickadee 2
Tufted Titmouse 2
Carolina Wren 2
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 1 FOS
Ruby-crowned Kinglet 2
Eastern Bluebird 5
American Robin 2
European Starling 10 At least two birds maintaining vigil over several days at abandoned woodpecker hole, sometimes entering
Yellow-rumped Warbler 1
Chipping Sparrow 1
Field Sparrow 3
White-throated Sparrow 15
Song Sparrow 2
Swamp Sparrow 1
Eastern Towhee 2
Northern Cardinal 8 Lots of aggression between multiple males
Brown-headed Cowbird 2
American Goldfinch 3
Boxerwood Nature Center & Woodland Garden, Rockbridge, Virginia, US
Apr 2, 2016 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
Protocol: Traveling
0.8 mile(s)
Comments: Overcast
29 species
Canada Goose 2
Turkey Vulture 1
Mourning Dove 4
Red-bellied Woodpecker 2
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 1
Downy Woodpecker 1
Northern Flicker 2
Eastern Phoebe 4
Blue Jay 3
American Crow 5
Tree Swallow 5
Carolina Chickadee 2
Tufted Titmouse 2
Carolina Wren 2
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 1 FOS
Ruby-crowned Kinglet 2
Eastern Bluebird 5
American Robin 2
European Starling 10 At least two birds maintaining vigil over several days at abandoned woodpecker hole, sometimes entering
Yellow-rumped Warbler 1
Chipping Sparrow 1
Field Sparrow 3
White-throated Sparrow 15
Song Sparrow 2
Swamp Sparrow 1
Eastern Towhee 2
Northern Cardinal 8 Lots of aggression between multiple males
Brown-headed Cowbird 2
American Goldfinch 3